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Introduction to GeoIP

In case you’ve ever used Google Analytics or any simmilar tool where you can see exact location from where visitors of your site came from, you’ve probably wondered how they were able to dig that info. Is it magic or what? Of course, it’s not kind of magic, exact location of visitor is defined by visitor’s IP address, and technology used to locate user by his IP is well known as GeoIP.

Today we are going to look how to locate visitor of your site with PHP and Max Mind’s GeoIP database. In examples bellow we used free(lite) versions of GeoIP databases, because fully supported GeoIP databases are not free(you’d have to pay $50USD setup + $12USD update for GeoIP Country and $370USD + $90USD for GeoIP City base). Drawback of lite version is that it is not as accurate as fully supported GeoIP databases, but it is still very usefull and probably good enough for great majority of live projects.

MaxMind offer API for dozen of programming languages (full list is available here), details about PHP API are available here. This tutorial deal with so called “Pure PHP API”, there are also PECL extensions and apache mod_geoip modul available. Apache modul provide better perfomance, but Pure PHP API is easier to set up.

Just for a start let’s download all PHP API files from, and save them somewhere inside of your Web tree(let say /htdocs/geoip). To use GeoIP Country you need to download lite database from here, and for GeoLiteCity download database from here. Just for the sake of simplicity, we are going to unpack both bases to the same dir where we saved our PHP API’s files (/htods/geoip in our example).

GeoIP Country
Now, let’s see how country detection works:

 * GeoIP Country Database Example
 * @version $Id$
 * @package geoip
 * @copyright © 2006
 * @author Dragan Dinic <>


$gi = geoip_open("GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);

//if you test on localhost use IP bellow for test
//since $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] would be
//$ip = "";

$country_name = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $ip);
$country_code = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $ip);
	echo "Your country is: $country_name <br />";
	echo "Country Code is: $country_code <br />";
	echo "Sorry, we weren't able to locate you.";


So, at the beggining we’ve included which contains all functions needed to use GeoIP country database, then we’ve created new instance of GeoIP class with geoip_open function, and at the end we called proper functions(geoip_country_name_by_addr and geoip_country_code_by_addr) to get country name/code in which detected IP address reside. Again, in case you test localy, don’t use $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’].

When you run script above you should get something like this as output:

Your country is: Serbia and Montenegro
Country Code is: CS

GeoIP City
Now, let’s extend visitor’s country data with exact location(like city, postal code etc.)

 * GeoIP City Database Example
 * @version $Id$
 * @package geoip
 * @copyright © 2006
 * @author Dragan Dinic <>


$gi = geoip_open("GeoLiteCity.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);

//if you test on localhost use IP bellow for test
//since $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] would be
//$ip = "";

$record = geoip_record_by_addr($gi, $ip);

	echo "Sorry, we weren't able to locate you.";
	echo "Country: " .$record->country_name . "<br />";
	echo "Country Code: " . $record->country_code . "<br />";
	echo "Country Code 2: " . $record->country_code3 . "<br />";
	echo "Region: " .$record->region . "<br />";
	echo "City: " .$record->city . "<br />";
	echo "Postal Code: " .$record->postal_code . "<br />";
	echo "Latitude: " .$record->latitude . "<br />";
	echo "Longitude: " .$record->longitude . "<br />";
	echo "DMA Code: " .$record->dma_code . "<br />";
	echo "Area Code: " .$record->area_code . "<br />";


As you see, PHP code is simmilar as in our country detection example, with exception that we used and GeoLiteCity.dat database. Function geoip_record_by_addr($gi, $ip) return instance of ‘geoiprecord’ class which contains in it’s properties location’s data we used in our example. After you run script you should get output like this one:

Country: Serbia and Montenegro
Country Code: CS
Country Code 2: SCG
Region: 02
City: Beograd
Postal Code: 11000
Latitude: 44.8186
Longitude: 20.4681
DMA Code:
Area Code:

CaseStudy – Redirection depending of Country
At the end, we are going to see some real GeoIP usage. Our goal is to redirect users on multy language site(blog) to proper language section on the site depending of their location. Here is how code looks like on my own blog:

 * Case Study - GeoIP Redirection
 * @version $Id$
 * @package geoip
 * @copyright © 2006
 * @author Dragan Dinic <>


$gi = geoip_open("geoip/GeoIP.dat",GEOIP_STANDARD);

$country_code = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);


if($country_code == 'CS')
        header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
        header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

Above example is used on this blog in order to redirect all users located out of Serbia to english version of the blog. Sending custom 301 redirection headers is important so bots(like google etc. google) are able to index blog pages without problems.

PHP 5.2 upload progress meter

Yesterday I’ve spent considerable amount of time in order to find out more about the most interesting new PHP 5.2 feature – hook for upload progress meter. Except for this link I haven’t found anything else, no php source code example how to make one.

However, after I looked at internal php mailing list archive, I’ve found this thread, still no php data found, but Rasmus mentioned link with an example at I immediately tried upload and it looked very cool. Then I looked at html source code and noticed one unusual thing there: APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS hidden field inside of html source. I knew it must be important so I’ve googled for it, and insteresting enough first result was source code of Rasmus example above 🙂

So, I took complete source (I figured out later it is upload meter example made by Rasmus Lerdorf) and quickly tried to make it working under my fresh new installed PHP 5.2.0. Unfortunately, it didn’t work since it needed apc stuff installed. After I looked at apc documentation, I found that I need to grab it from list of pecl dll’s for windows php 5.2 version. Unfortunately, after I’ve downloaded it from here I’ve noticed apc dll is missing there ?!!

Again, I had to google for php_apc.dll and after a while found needed dll available at In order to make it working, you have to save dll file under php/ext dir (i.e. c:\php\ext on windows) and put this to php.ini:


Unfortunately, it still didn’t work, so I’ve looked at apc docs further. Finally on this page I’ve found apc have new “special feature” which is directly related to our new upload feature.

    apc.rfc1867             RFC1867 File Upload Progress hook handler is only available
                            if you compiled APC against PHP 5.2.0 or later.  When enabled
                            any file uploads which includes a field called
                            APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS before the file field in an upload form
                            will cause APC to automatically create an upload_
                            user cache entry where  is the value of the
                            APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS form entry.
                            (Default: 0)

After I figured out on my phpinfo page apc.rfc1867 setting is turned off, I’ve added

apc.rfc1867 = on 

in php.ini, and after restart was finally able to enjoy new fancy upload progress meter 🙂

upload progress meter

Btw, upload also depend of json turned on as well, but it was already turned on so I didn’t have any more problems.

About the code Rasmus used in his example, I am tired to analyze it more now, but obviously it use Yahoo! User Interface Library to create progress bar and json/apc to control it from php during file upload.

I hope this will be helpful for someone. Enjoy 😉